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WeMeet - Video Conferencing Platform with AI Translation

by WeMeet-AI 2021. 6. 16.


1. Features of WeMeet AI Translation Product

  • During video conference, real-time translation is supported.
  • For example, if the presenter speaks in Korean and sets the translation language to English, the translated letters in English in real time are displayed in subtitles and chat rooms.
  • It supports real-time translation of more than 20 languages including English, Chinese, and Japanese.
  • Conference organizers (Hosts) can easily change the translation language to suit the situation of presenters and attendees.
  • Provides meeting minutes with autocomplete


2. Video Clip


The demo video shows Korean news being translated sequentially as below. It's the same function as when you have a real video conference.

  1. Korean to English
  2. Korean to Japanese
  3. Korean to Chinese
  4. Korean to French


Email : wemeet.rightnow@gmail.com 

Homepage :  Home - WeMeet - Video Conferencing Platform (wemeetnow.net)


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