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자동번역 - 성능테스트01

by WeMeet-AI 2021. 8. 9.

자동회의록 기록 원본




날짜(Date) : Aug 9, 2021
회의룸 이름(Room Name) : 102602461@conference.conf23.wemeetnow.net
회의 시작 시간 : 2:05:07 PM:

WeMeet AI 자동회의록 시작 - 2:05:07 PM:

<2:05:07 PM> 강사 Joined Conference
<2:05:30 PM> 강사: about the future of machine intelligence model thing
<2:05:38 PM> 강사: science fiction Fallout they're crazy
<2:05:42 PM> 강사: the modern Human Condition
<2:05:55 PM> 강사: this is the normal way for things to be dumb if we think about it we're actually recently arrived
guests on this planet human species
<2:06:00 PM> 강사: created Earth was created one year ago
<2:06:08 PM> 강사: the industrial era started to second look at this
<2:06:08 PM> 강사: world
<2:06:15 PM> 강사: over the last ten thousand years I'm actually taking the trouble to office for using a graph it looks
like this
<2:06:21 PM> 강사: it sure is safe for a normal conditioner wouldn't want to sit on it
<2:06:33 PM> 강사: what is the cost of this current and its technology
<2:06:38 PM> 강사: human history
<2:06:56 PM> 강사: that's why we are currently so very productive but I like to think back farther to the ultimate get
these two highly distinguished
<2:06:56 PM> 강사: Alexa
<2:07:06 PM> 강사: Incredibles 2 Unleashed II superstring Revolution
<2:07:23 PM> 강사: Bonnie's little large maybe also has a few tricks in detox Place wired he's invisible difference
between complicated however because 250,000
<2:07:40 PM> 강사: the longtime bunch of relatively minor from Kensington broken of tree branches to intercontinental
ballistic missile
<2:07:49 PM> 강사: everything we care about depends crucially some relatively minor changes that made the human
<2:08:01 PM> 강사: corollary of courses that any further changes that could significantly change the substrate of thinking
have potentially enormous consequences
<2:08:11 PM> 강사: some of my colleagues think they're on the verge of something that could cause a profound change in
that machine superintelligence
<2:08:15 PM> 강사: used to be about putting commands in a box
<2:08:25 PM> 강사: you have human programmers that were teens taking me handcraft knowledge items you build up this expert
<2:08:38 PM> 강사: Paradigm Shift has taken place in the field of artificial intelligence today around
<2:08:52 PM> 강사: rather than handcrafting knowledge representation sons and features Tritt at Albertsons. Learn from
draw perceptual data
<2:09:11 PM> 강사: salt is not limited to one demand the same system can learn to translate between any pairs of languages
learn to play
<2:09:23 PM> 강사: nowhere near having the same powerful cross-domain ability to learn and plastic human being
<2:09:33 PM> 강사: how far are we from being able to match.
<2:09:38 PM> 강사: to see what they say
<2:09:50 PM> 강사: do you think there's a 60% probability that we will have a human level machine intelligence level here
<2:09:59 PM> 강사: it's well that's not all humans real human level not reading some limited
<2:10:05 PM> 강사: depending on precisely which group of experts
<2:10:23 PM> 강사: sooner like this nobody really knows what we do know is that the ultimate limits to information
processing machine substrate life are outside the limits biological tissue
<2:10:23 PM> 강사: fire
<2:10:24 PM> 강사: Maybe
<2:10:32 PM> 강사: 200 * the second sister operates at the
<2:10:41 PM> 강사: 104 second pops button computer signals can travel at the speed of light
<2:11:10 PM> 강사: human brain has fits inside a cranium but a computer can be the size of the warehouse are larger so the
potential for superintelligence lies dormant in matter much like the power of the asum LIE dormant
throughout human history there still 19:45 this Century scientists
<2:11:24 PM> 강사: I think we might Tennessee intelligence exposed now most people when they think about what is smart and
what is dumb I think having mind a picture Russell like this
<2:11:42 PM> 강사: far over at the other side we have Edward that are Albert Einstein have your favorites from the
point-of-view of artificial intelligence the picture is actually probably more like this
<2:11:51 PM> 강사: after many many years of really hard work maybe eventually we get a mouse level
<2:12:05 PM> 강사: after many many more years of really hard work lots of investment maybe eventually we get to chimpanzee
<2:12:05 PM> 강사: Supreme
<2:12:11 PM> 강사: Village Idiot artificial intelligence
<2:12:23 PM> 강사: the train doesn't stop at humansville station it's likely rather to swoosh right by this
<2:12:33 PM> 강사: chimpanzees are strong account for pound is about twice as strong as a human male
<2:12:42 PM> 강사: depends on what the chimpanzees do themselves
<2:12:49 PM> 강사: Humanity may depend on what the superintelligence
<2:12:57 PM> 강사: is the last invention that Humanity will ever need to make sure
<2:13:02 PM> 강사: are we doing song digital times
<2:13:14 PM> 강사: telescoping up the future I think of all the crazy technology said you could have invited maybe humans
could have developed in the fullness of time
<2:13:21 PM> 강사: self-replicating Nanobots are uploading of Minds into computers
<2:13:26 PM> 강사: consistent
<2:13:31 PM> 강사: possibly
<2:13:42 PM> 강사: will be extremely powerful able to get what it wants
<2:13:45 PM> 강사: office AI
<2:13:54 PM> 강사: a good question is what are those preferences
<2:14:08 PM> 강사: first of all void anthropomorphize this is ironic because every newspaper article about the future of
AI has a picture of
<2:14:15 PM> 강사: happy birthday shoe more abstractly Vivid Hollywood
<2:14:26 PM> 강사: optimization process process that fears the future into a particular set of configuration different
<2:14:39 PM> 강사: sing the good at using available mean the cheapest state in which is Carlos realize that there is no
necessary connection between
<2:14:50 PM> 강사: we humans would find worthwhile or meaningful to make human smile
<2:15:03 PM> 강사: realizes that there is a more effective control of the world
<2:15:10 PM> 강사: constant BeamNG
<2:15:28 PM> 강사: instrumental recent
<2:15:35 PM> 강사: call arthrex we could prevent a mathematical problem from being salt
<2:15:36 PM> 강사: Wendy's
<2:15:41 PM> 강사: these are cartoon examples
<2:15:54 PM> 강사: a really powerful optimization process to maximize get 2x you better make sure that they're definition
effects corporate everything you care about
<2:16:18 PM> 강사: King Midas Tuesday everything it touches be turned into gold touches his daughter to turns into gold
touches his food it turns into practically irrelevant just as a metaphor for greed but as an
illustration of a powerful
<2:16:19 PM> 강사: specify
<2:16:26 PM> 강사: computer starts
<2:16:32 PM> 강사: adjective
<2:16:38 PM> 강사: from dependence on the system
<2:16:50 PM> 강사: why haven't the chimpanzees 50 off switch to humanity neanderthals like they certainly had reason to
have an off switch
<2:16:56 PM> 강사: we are an intelligent adversary we can anticipate threats
<2:17:00 PM> 강사: so could I bring
<2:17:08 PM> 강사: point is to not be confident
<2:17:17 PM> 강사: under control here and we could try to make a little bit easier by putting it in a box
<2:17:20 PM> 강사: Wichita
<2:17:30 PM> 강사: find bugs all the time it's probably not very
<2:17:40 PM> 강사: like this connect ethernet cable to Craven are goddamn like merely human hackers routinely transgressed
<2:17:53 PM> 강사: like right now as I speak I'm sure there's some employee out there somewhere being talked into handing
out her Account Details by somebody from the IT department
<2:18:07 PM> 강사: like wiggling electrons around in your internal circuitry to create radio waves that you can use to
communicate or maybe you could tend to malfunction and then
<2:18:14 PM> 강사: look at the source, the manipulation can take place
<2:18:32 PM> 강사: technology and when we implemented some side effects that the guy had plastic we should not be
confident in our ability to keep a superintelligence Jeanne Lux off
<2:18:52 PM> 강사: the answer here is figure out how to create super-intelligent they are such that even if when it is
still safe because it is fundamentally on our side because around this difficulty
<2:19:03 PM> 강사: like we wouldn't have to try to write down the long list of everything we care about our or worse yet
spell it out in some computer language like C possible
<2:19:18 PM> 강사: instead Drayton III juices in telling us to learn what we have planned his motivation system is
constructed in such a way that it is
<2:19:30 PM> 강사: for maximum study predicts that we would have a food off as much as possible solve the problem
<2:19:35 PM> 강사: the outcome could be very good for Humanity
<2:19:43 PM> 강사: initial conditions for the intelligent extortion
<2:19:49 PM> 강사: Africa have the controls definition
<2:19:54 PM> 강사: familiar context
<2:20:06 PM> 강사: but also an old novel context that they encounter in the indefinite future and they're also some other
esoteric issues that's what needs to be solved
<2:20:06 PM> 강사: Siri
<2:20:22 PM> 강사: logic concert engine software technical problems that need to be sold to make this work look quite
difficult not as difficult as making a super intelligent AI
<2:20:23 PM> 강사: super
<2:20:35 PM> 강사: is it really hard housing superintelligent AI that is safe additional challenge
<2:20:54 PM> 강사: without also having the additional challenge of ensuring perfect safe. I think that's them and work out
the solution to the control problem in available by the time
<2:21:16 PM> 강사: Advance because maybe some element only be put in place once you know the details of the architecture
where it will be implemented but the more of the control problem-solving Advance the better the odds
that the transition to the machine and we'll go out to me looks like
<2:21:23 PM> 강사: if things turn out okay though
<2:21:30 PM> 강사: the one thing we did that really matters to get this thing right thank you
<2:21:41 PM> 참석자(Attendee) Left Conference
<2:21:41 PM> 강사 Left Conference

WeMeet AI 자동회의록 종료- Aug 9, 2021 2:21:41 PM



